Hey! I'm Dr. Dasari

I’m a gastrointestinal surgeon, physician, and IBS specialist. I help patients treat their severe IBS symptoms without surgery or the need of expensive medication.

My phytonutrient approach comes from years of experience and my patients results. I’ve seen patients opt out of surgery and cure disease by
following my step-by-step diet plants and nutritional treatments.

When you follow my guidance, your most painful symptoms can be relieved within a few weeks. My goal has become to help more patients globally with the very same phytonutrient based therapies that have helped patients in my practice.

This journey of building the Mind-Gut-Immunity method came from I’ve spent under the scalpel.

This journey of building the Mind-Gut-Immunity method came from the years I’ve spent under the scalpel.

It’s been proven

that your body can

repair itself.

Millions of Americans suffer from digestive issues each year. These conditions involve the digestive tract which includes the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, esophagus, small and large intestines.

Digestive disease encompasses a variety of issues that can range from mild to severe. Common digestive problems include gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and much more.

Over the years, I found that most of my patient's digestive ailments were able to be resolved with simple changes to their diet. I realized that the more patients understood this, the fewer patients would need to go under the scalpel.

With the many factors that go into optimal health, it's become my passion to introduce my patients a revolutionary method. One that focuses on both your mind and gut. 


Most of my patients recover from their "incurable" digestive diseases when they decide to take ownership of their well-being.

I've seen patients who've gone ALL in on their health DRAMATICALLY change their lives.

If you’ve come this far, you’re no doubt like the thousands of patients I've helped: independent thinkers, action takers, who want to take control of their health and well-being.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you implement a system that can heal your body, change how you feel, boost your energy, and provide you with the tools you need to change your quality of life forever.

I’m serving you a medically formulated, straightforward, all-natural approach to relieving your digestive issues and setting you on track to great health and an abundance of energy.  

So, what are you WAITING for!?Let’s take this journey together.

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