Lets Go!

Welcome to Mind-Gut-Immunity


Neither you, nor I, arrived here by accident.

In this moment, you may be lost with more questions than answers. You may be asking, where do I go from here?  How do I get better?

Truth is… people discover Mind-Gut-Immunity only after enduring short-sighted healthcare, that ignores the root cause. I know, because I was once a patient with autoimmune and digestive dysfunction.  Everyday is a struggle, without clear direction.

With experienced guidance my clients have seen  lasting remission without lifelong medications— outcomes otherwise unachievable. 

The Mind-Gut-immunity Clinic excels at solving complex inflammation by recalibrating the gut microbiome with phytonutrients, not pharmaceuticals. We deploy well-researched, precision probiotics and evidence-based solutions that produce long term results.   Our programs are safe, risk-free and you can done from anywhere—home or abroad.  Moreover, your health coaching team is led by me, a U.S. board-certified surgeon with extensive experience in conventional approaches, as well as alternative modalities (functional, herbal and holistic).

You maybe wondering: what if this doesn’t work for me… what if I’m the exception?

Every person has natural skepticism prior to recovery.  Despite any assurances, your concerns will remain until you reach your goal.  Simply put, enrollment, requires an open-mind and trust.  You are embarking on a road less-traveled, full of unknowns, but I promise to help you find your destination.  My commitment stems from being just like you—a person searching for a lasting solution.  


Your Healing Journey Awaits,

Chanu R. Dasari, MD

Founder, Mind Gut Immunity Clinic

Join Me >

Hi! I'm Dr. Dasari

I am a gastrointestinal surgeon, & inflammatory disease expert.

For the last twelve years, I have treated thousands of patients with immune inflammation and digestive dysfunction both surgically and non-surgically.

  • Lupus, ANA+, Rheumatoid, Mixed Connective Tissue
  • IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Fatty Liver
  • Eczema Dermatitis, Psoriasis
  • Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia
  • Seasonal & Environmental Allergies

Today, I help patients at my clinic overcome their conditions without prescribing any medication or surgical intervention.

Take the Next Step >

The Mind Gut Immunity Journey


Day 1: Onboarding 

Quick Start Guide with a list of foods, supplements, recipes, and well-researched protocols 


Week 1 : MGI Academy 

Video Modules- fifteen total, cover topics such as genetics, pathways of inflammation, gut-microbiome calibration, phyto-nutrition, sleep, stress, trauma- awareness, exercise, daily logs, meal-planning guide.


Month 1: Implementation

- Medical Record Review- by Dr. Dasari 

- Recalibrate Microbiome- use patented probiotics with extensive clinical data

- Implement Phyto Diet- apply evidence based guidelines regarding intake of polyphenols, terpenes, phyto-oils, etc.

- Optimize Supplements- redo regimen for simplicity and efficacy 

- Multiple Daily Check-ins- Track meals, stool, sleep, exercise, weight, fluid intake, symptoms


Months 2-3: Recovery Aim

- 50-80% resolution of symptoms

- Wean off medications 


Months 4-6: Sustainability 

- Loosen diet, add “cheat” meals

- Request Lab testing

- Initiate Longevity regimen 


Year 1: Resilience 

- Establish maintenance program

- Build lean muscle and endurance 


Want to go behind the scalpel?

Get to know me on social media.

A great place to learn the principles for optimizing mind, gut, and immune function. I share cutting-edge gut health tips that doctors won't tell you.

With over 10,000 patients treated globally, my clinic provides online resources to help you no matter where you are in your health journey.

If you’re ready to dive deep into the truth behind gut health and immune inflammation (what doctors won’t tell you), then you won't want to miss our latest posts and videos. IG/Twitter: @DasariMD